The therapist-client relationship is very private. Things shared in this setting will be held in confidence. It is my ethical and moral obligation to uphold this commitment, however, it should be understood at the outset that there are a few exceptions to confidentiality. Therapists are bound by ethical and legal guidelines and constraints to reveal certain information under specific circumstances. They are as follows:
1. If you are in danger of harming yourself or someone else, others may need to be informed to maximize safety.
2. If it is suspected that a child, elderly person or disabled person is being abused, I am legally bound to inform authorities.
3. If you are involved in legal proceedings, there are some situations where the court may issue a subpoena requesting portions of your file or seeking a statement regarding your treatment.
In the above situations, I would reveal the least amount of information necessary. In addition, as appropriate, every effort will be made to dialogue with my client prior to any sharing of information.
Please be aware that my office line is a cellular phone. This means that, although interception is unlikely, I cannot ensure absolute confidentiality while on the phone. Similar risks occur with email communication.
Since clients contact me by email or cell phone, I advise that you be mindful of the risks of these forms of communication and keep your communications brief. I use these tools for basic communication, scheduling and an emergency means of quick contact. I recommend that clinical communications take place in the privacy of my office.
Virtual sessions are available through Doxy.me.
Doxy.me is a HIPPA compliant platform, no app is required.